Staging Your Home At Low Cost

Selling your home is often a challenging proposition. One issue that many people overlook is the cost of selling your home. There are many fees associated with selling your home, but you also have bills to pay when making your home look as appealing as possible.

You should look to stage your home to attract buyers. With an attractive home aimed at the most likely buyer, you significantly increase your chances of selling the property. However, some vendors are concerned about the cost of staging their home. At Williams of Petersfield, we are pleased to say we have helped many homeowners cut the cost of staging their home without compromising on quality.

We are pleased to help you stage your home at low cost.

Add a new coat of paint

While you don’t want to add garish colours or go overboard when it comes to rejuvenating a room, there is a lot to be said for adding a new coat of paint to a room or home. While you should be modest when it comes to your colour scheme, making a place feel less drab is a fantastic way to entice buyers and make the most of your home.

Add a sense of space

You should look to add space at your home because this is what buyers want to see. However, if you cannot physically add space, you need to make your home feel spacious. There are several simple tips you can follow here, but mirrors are extremely useful in transforming your home. A well-placed mirror makes a room seem more spacious, and it can make a room feel lighter too.

Also, make sure that you create space around windows. Minimise drapes and items blocking the window area. Not only will you allow more light to flood into a room, you develop a sense of space that is highly appealing to buyers.

You don’t need to buy furniture to stage your home

An essential part of the staging process is to present the room in a manner that appeals to the buyer. Therefore, it makes sense to have furniture that the likely buyer approves of. However, if you don’t own furniture that matches the needs or taste of a prospective buyer, you may be opposed to buying furniture to sell your home.

Thankfully, you don’t need to buy furniture for the staging process. If you have friends or family members who have this style of furniture, ask if you can borrow furniture from them for a short time. Also, some firms specialise in loaning furniture on a short-term basis. Installing these items in your home for a limited period helps you create a great impression, without spending a lot of money.

If you are looking to sell your house in Petersfield, get in touch. We aim to help you connect with buyers and by calling on Williams of Petersfield, you receive guidance from a local expert in the property market, so get in touch.


staging a home for sale

How Long Does It Take To Sell Your Petersfield Home?

While each property sale is unique, people like to know likely timescales. In the property market, average figures are often significant. A vendor shouldn’t expect to receive the average price for their Petersfield home, but if they are planning, the average sales price for similar homes in their area provides a guideline for budgeting. Similarly, if you want to buy a home, you’ll look at average house prices in an area, and determine if it fits your budget.

Therefore, if you want to know how long does it take to sell your Petersfield home, you should start by looking at average times. Information culled from Rightmove, and HM Land Registry provides a platform to review local selling times, and the data for Petersfield postcodes is interesting.

How long do you expect to take to sell your Petersfield home?

Many of you will have an interest in the GU31 postcode area. This is one of two postcodes covering the Petersfield post town area, playing hosts to areas like Petersfield, Buriton, Elsted, East Hampshire and Chichester. The average time taken to sell property in the GU31 postcode stands at 23 weeks. This is higher than the average in most other local postcodes, so don’t be surprised if it takes a bit longer to sell your home if you hold a GU31 postcode.

According to Zoopla, the average price paid for GU31 property in the past 12 months stands at £505,384.

In the GU32 postcode area, covering East Meon, West Meon, Sheet, Steep and East Hampshire, the average time taken to sell a property is listed as 18 weeks. Compared to the average time of 23 weeks associated with the GU31 postcode, selling your home will feel easier here! A period of five weeks can feel like a very long time when you are selling your home.

Property house sale

In figures provided by Zoopla, the average price paid for GU32 property in the past 12 months is £458,330. The difference in average price paid between the two postcodes may be a factor in the difference in the average time taken to sell a property.

You can speed up property sales

Of course, there are ways you can improve the sale of your home, and it is possible to sell your home more quickly without compromising on the quality of the sale. Steps to consider include:

  • Select the most suitable buyer, not necessarily the buyer who places the highest bid
  • Price your home accurately
  • Enlist the services of a skilled and qualified estate agent with a local agent

The right estate agent has a huge role to play in selling your home and speeding up the process. At Williams of Petersfield, we are delighted to say we have helped many local vendors sell their home promptly. We know the local area, and we know what buyers want, which means we can aid vendors.

This knowledge ensures we assist you connect with buyers, and to sell your home quickly, contact us, and we’ll be happy to help.

What Makes A Forever Home?

When it comes to the property market, there is a lot of focus on first-time buyers. In recent times, there has also been a growing level of interest in last-time buyers, which is natural given the ageing population in the United Kingdom.

The movers in the middle of these groups receive less attention than other buyers, but they are still relevant concerning the housing market. Many households in this area are on the lookout for their forever home. As the name suggests, a forever home is the property where people are supposed to settle down and stay for many years. First-time buyers aren’t looking for their forever home, they want to get on to the property ladder, and it is essential to know that there are differences between properties and your outlook.

A forever home has a dependable design

It should go without saying that a forever home has a design and style that you can rely on for many years. A lot of this is down to functionality, as you want to be confident about the structure of the property. Be sure to look out for cracks, dampness and foundation issues, or at least enlist the services of someone who will spot these problems on your behalf. This information is crucial in property transactions.

A forever home offers the flexibility of space

Your needs for today and the near future may be very different from your needs for decades to come. Therefore, a forever home is one that has the potential to be flexible. A child’s playroom in your current house could become a gym or home office in the future. If you welcome guests, will you have enough space to meet different needs?

Your forever home is about more than just the house

For you to feel truly settled, you will need to feel comfortable in your surroundings. The impact neighbours have on how you feel at home is enormous, and you want to settle in an area where you feel a sense of community.

Transport, educational facilities and shops matter when you are looking for your ideal house, but you also need a community where you belong and can have an influence. The perfect location for you may be entirely unsuitable for another person, and of course, you need to have an eye on the future.

If you have a young family, or you don’t yet have a family, but you intend to, look for a house in an area that provides you with a wide range of attractions and activities for kids of all ages.

Buyers need to think about what they need from a forever home before they purchase property, but vendors should also consider what people need from a forever home. If you have a house that can meet the needs of buyers, you are likely to attract attention and interest.

Anyone looking to sell their home will find that Williams of Petersfield is on hand to offer support and guidance, so please get in touch.

Keen To Sell in 2019? Find Your Ideal Agent

With the clocks being changed and the weather taking a turn for the worse, we are moving towards the end of the year. There is still a lot of time to make the most of 2018 but it may be that your focus has switched to one that will help you sell in 2019 and doing your very best in that year. Continue reading “Keen To Sell in 2019? Find Your Ideal Agent”

Petersfield Vendors – Here’s What Buyers Want To See

Selling your home is far from easy, even when you have help from specialists, but there are ways in which you can make the process an awful lot easier. At Williams of Petersfield, we are delighted to say that we have helped many Petersfield vendors sell their property, and a large part of this success is down to the fact that we know what buyers want to see when they are looking for a home.

Each buyer is unique, and it is likely that they will have their own personal tastes and requirements but in general, there are some things that most buyers want to see. If you were to sit down and think about the things that you want to see when looking for a home, you’ll find most of these items crop up, and there is a common-sense approach to be made when presenting a home to prospective buyers.

Warmth and comfort are hugely important for buyers, so there is no surprise at the fact that central heating and double glazing are priorities for prospective buyers. If your property doesn’t have these in place, it is worth making an investment, but if you do have these elements at home, there are still ways in which you can improve the warmth and comfort of your home.

Improving the insulation at your home is always great news for buyers

Cavity wall insulation is a sensible solution for homeowners looking to retain heat, lower their energy bills and make their home a more environmentally friendly place. If you have this in place or would like an option, upgrading to a smart energy device makes sense. These devices allow you to remain in control of your heating and you see what you are spending.

You’ll find that these devices lead to a reduction in energy usage, saving money and aiding the environment, which a prospective buyer is always going to hold an interest in.

Another priority for buyers is security. With doors and windows being the most common point of entry in a break-in, you want to ensure that these points are robust and dependable. It may not cost a lot of money to improve the security of these features, but you’ll find that it is a worthwhile investment, offering peace of mind to a prospective buyer.

Tell prospective buyers about why you love Petersfield property

There will, of course, be features that buyers want to see which are outside of your control. Having local shops and amenities is an important feature for prospective buyers but as you can’t do much to impact on this, there is no point worrying about it. However, if you have found local stores that you appreciate, take the time to tell any prospective buyer about them.

legislative changes 2018

Energy efficiency is another important aspect, and if you can upgrade aspects of your home to a more energy efficient counterpart, you will hopefully find greater interest in your property.

If you can draw attention to aspects of local life which may not be written about in local area guides, but which make your life easier, you provide prospective buyers with something else to think about.

If you are selling your home in Petersfield and you want to make sure that you please buyers, come and speak with Williams of Petersfield. We are pleased to say we have helped many homeowners sell their property, and we are here to assist you with this aim.

First Time Buyers Market Share Rose In June

Whether you are a buyer or seller, you will have an interest in how first-time buyers are faring. If you are a first-time buyer, you hope to see favourable market conditions. If you are another type of buyer, improvements for first-time buyers could lead you to facing increased competition in the marketplace. If you are selling your home, you want to see more buyers in the market and the increased presence of first-time buyers may be of benefit to you.

No matter what you are looking to achieve in the property market, Williams of Petersfield is here to assist you.

Many are happy to see an increase in first-time buyers in the market

Information contained with the e.surv Mortgage Monitor suggests that for June of 2018, first-time buyers accounted for 23.4% of the market, which is an increase on the 22.4% of the market in May of this year. While this isn’t a significant increase and it is best to be wary about jumping to conclusions on monthly changes, anything which suggests that the number of first-time buyers is increasing will be positive for many people.

It is natural that first-time buyers will be pleased by this increase but if you are looking to sell your home, an increase in first-time buyers is likely to be positive news. Anything which suggests that there are willing buyers in the market and more people are stepping on to the property ladder should be a positive move forward for the market.

Changes in the mortgage market impact on many people

There was also an increase in the volume of larger deposit borrowers, which represents those with mortgages which account for up to 60% of the loan-to-value, and this moved from 32.8% to 32.9% over the month. The mid-market, which represents those putting down up to 25%, fell from 44.8% to 43.7% over the course of May to June.

UK first time buyers

In total, there were 66,345 mortgages approved for June and there have been many lenders across the country offering low rates for lenders. Not everyone is pleased with this and on social media you will find many people criticising lenders for offering mortgage deals which were last seen before the financial crash. However, if you are looking for a mortgage and have struggled to find the solution that is right for your needs, it is likely that you will be pleased to see that there are more options. Also, if you are selling your home, you will be pleased to learn that there are more options for buyers in obtaining a mortgage and this will hopefully improve circumstances for people selling their property in the UK.

At Williams of Petersfield, we know how challenging the property market is, no matter what you are looking to achieve. If you need support or guidance with your next move, contact Williams of Petersfield and we will be happy to help. Whether you are selling your home, or you want to step on or move on to the property ladder, we are here to help.

Can You Capitalise On Demand For Downsizing Options?

Sometimes in life, the difference between success and failure is taking advantage of opportunities that come your way. Being aware of opportunities and being ready to act quickly or make a decision helps you achieve success. This may be the sort of approach you would expect to read in a business manual but it is an approach that can help you achieve success in the property market, and it is why you must be aware of downsizing. Continue reading “Can You Capitalise On Demand For Downsizing Options?”